Structural reality is underwritten by mechanical frameworks, systems of logic and networks of boundaries.
The interrogation of interactions between structural reality, decision makers and those that experience structural reality is fundamentally a sculptural/spatial state.
Structural reality is experienced and expressed through materiality.
The mechanisms of structural reality are obscured when viewed from a micro/local scale but can originate from that perspective; this is its complexity. Conscious and deliberate actions that complicate environments, situations and conditions reveal the foundations that allow structural realities to perpetuate. This knowledge can be used to interrogate, challenge, highlight or alter the foundations of structural reality.
Logical, structural boundaries are human-created, and as such can be re-framed, re-calibrated, moved, removed and/or replaced by humans, whether this is by the originating agent(s) or others.
Art, as a method and tool, can interrogate structural reality in support of alternative world visions and structures. To do so it is necessary for works to exist in reference to a future continuous informed by actions enacted within the present perfect.
Mirroring can only produce a reflection; it is unable to reveal anything other than the surface of a reference object.
The eye converts complex inputs into a simple coded signals. Reliance on these signals as a source of absolute truth risks the emergence of apophenia.
The threshold of aesthetics is a limiting, not expansive, factor.
Art and its various potentials exist across multiple knowledge systems. It is not the sole domain of the ocular.